Graham Good serenades the audience at Hewlett Gulch, in Roosevelt National Forest.
Sagebrush Sessions 2019
We piloted Sagebrush Sessions in 2019 in collaboration with Fort Collins Musicians Association. From May through September, we featured national and local bands at public land areas in Larimer County, Colorado. Over 200 people participated in 2019!
2019 Lineup
May 2019: Sawyer Fredericks + Hanna Doreen Brown @ Lory State Park
June 2019: Courtney Hartman + Covenhoven @ Horsetooth Mountain Park
July 2019: Whippoorwill + weareforests @ Lady Moon Trail in Roosevelt National Forest
August 2019: Graham Good @ Hewlett Gulch in Roosevelt National Forest
September 2019: Roca Hueca + Beni Brosh @ Mt. Margaret Trail in Roosevelt National Forest
Poudre Wilderness Volunteers guide a Sagebrush Session hike in Red Feather, CO. PhoCo
Thank you!
Our thanks to Bohemian Foundation for funding, the bands for playing, our land partners for letting us have music in beautiful places, and to our volunteer naturalists, State Park rangers, and the Poudre Wilderness Volunteers!